RC4 算法的特点是算法简单,运行速度快,而且密钥长度是可变的,密钥长度范围为 1-256 字节。
RC4算法主要包括两个部分:1)使用 key-scheduling algorithm (KSA) 算法根据用户输入的秘钥 key 生成 S 盒;2)使用 Pseudo-random generation algorithm (PRGA) 算法生成秘钥流用于加密数据。
利用Key生成S盒——The key-scheduling algorithm (KSA)
KSA算法初始化长度为 256 的 S 盒。第一个 for 循环将 0 到 255 的互不重复的元素装入 S 盒;第二个 for 循环根据密钥打乱 S 盒。
for i from 0 to 255 S[i] := i endfor j := 0 for i from 0 to 255 j := (j + S[i] + key[i mod keylength]) mod 256 swap values of S[i] and S[j] endfor
利用S盒生成密钥流——The pseudo-random generation algorithm(PRGA)
Pseudo-random generation algorithm (PRGA) 算法根据 S 盒生成与明文长度相同的秘钥流,使用秘钥流加密明文。秘钥流的生成如下图所示:
循环体中每收到一个字节,a 和 b 定位S盒中的一个元素,并与输入字节异或,得到密文 k;同时,c 还改变了 S 盒。由于异或运算的特性,使得加密与解密过程一致。如果输入的是明文,输出的就是密文;如果输入的是密文,输出的就是明文。
i := 0 j := 0 while GeneratingOutput: i := (i + 1) mod 256 // a j := (j + S[i]) mod 256 // b swap values of S[i] and S[j] // c K := inputByte ^ S[(S[i] + S[j]) mod 256] // d output K endwhile
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # author: @manojpandey # Python 3 implementation for RC4 algorithm # Brief: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC4 # Will use codecs, as 'str' object in Python 3 doesn't have any attribute 'decode' import codecs MOD = 256 def KSA(key): ''' Key Scheduling Algorithm (from wikipedia): for i from 0 to 255 S[i] := i endfor j := 0 for i from 0 to 255 j := (j + S[i] + key[i mod keylength]) mod 256 swap values of S[i] and S[j] endfor ''' key_length = len(key) # create the array "S" S = list(range(MOD)) # [0,1,2, ... , 255] j = 0 for i in range(MOD): j = (j + S[i] + key[i % key_length]) % MOD S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] # swap values return S def PRGA(S): ''' Psudo Random Generation Algorithm (from wikipedia): i := 0 j := 0 while GeneratingOutput: i := (i + 1) mod 256 j := (j + S[i]) mod 256 swap values of S[i] and S[j] K := S[(S[i] + S[j]) mod 256] output K endwhile ''' i = 0 j = 0 while True: i = (i + 1) % MOD j = (j + S[i]) % MOD S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i] # swap values K = S[(S[i] + S[j]) % MOD] yield K def get_keystream(key): ''' Takes the encryption key to get the keystream using PRGA return object is a generator ''' S = KSA(key) return PRGA(S) def encrypt_logic(key, text): ''' :key -> encryption key used for encrypting, as hex string :text -> array of unicode values/ byte string to encrpyt/decrypt ''' # For plaintext key, use this key = [ord(c) for c in key] # If key is in hex: # key = codecs.decode(key, 'hex_codec') # key = [c for c in key] keystream = get_keystream(key) res = [] for c in text: val = ("%02X" % (c ^ next(keystream))) # XOR and taking hex res.append(val) return ''.join(res) def encrypt(key, plaintext): ''' :key -> encryption key used for encrypting, as hex string :plaintext -> plaintext string to encrpyt ''' plaintext = [ord(c) for c in plaintext] return encrypt_logic(key, plaintext) def decrypt(key, ciphertext): ''' :key -> encryption key used for encrypting, as hex string :ciphertext -> hex encoded ciphered text using RC4 ''' ciphertext = codecs.decode(ciphertext, 'hex_codec') res = encrypt_logic(key, ciphertext) return codecs.decode(res, 'hex_codec').decode('utf-8') def main(): key = 'not-so-random-key' # plaintext plaintext = 'Good work! Your implementation is correct' # plaintext # encrypt the plaintext, using key and RC4 algorithm ciphertext = encrypt(key, plaintext) print('plaintext:', plaintext) print('ciphertext:', ciphertext) # .. # Let's check the implementation # .. ciphertext = '2D7FEE79FFCE80B7DDB7BDA5A7F878CE298615'\ '476F86F3B890FD4746BE2D8F741395F884B4A35CE979' # change ciphertext to string again decrypted = decrypt(key, ciphertext) print('decrypted:', decrypted) if plaintext == decrypted: print('\nCongrats ! You made it.') else: print('Shit! You pooped your pants ! .-.') # until next time folks ! def test(): # Test case 1 # key = '4B6579' # 'Key' in hex # key = 'Key' # plaintext = 'Plaintext' # ciphertext = 'BBF316E8D940AF0AD3' assert(encrypt('Key', 'Plaintext')) == 'BBF316E8D940AF0AD3' assert(decrypt('Key', 'BBF316E8D940AF0AD3')) == 'Plaintext' # Test case 2 # key = 'Wiki' # '57696b69'in hex # plaintext = 'pedia' # ciphertext should be 1021BF0420 assert(encrypt('Wiki', 'pedia')) == '1021BF0420' assert(decrypt('Wiki', '1021BF0420')) == 'pedia' # Test case 3 # key = 'Secret' # '536563726574' in hex # plaintext = 'Attack at dawn' # ciphertext should be 45A01F645FC35B383552544B9BF5 assert(encrypt('Secret', 'Attack at dawn')) == '45A01F645FC35B383552544B9BF5' assert(decrypt('Secret', '45A01F645FC35B383552544B9BF5')) == 'Attack at dawn' if __name__ == '__main__': main()
from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4 def encrypt(message, key): des = ARC4.new(key) cipher_text = des.encrypt(message) return cipher_text def decrypt(cipher_text, key): des3 = ARC4.new(key) message = des3.decrypt(cipher_text) return message if __name__ == "__main__": key = "0123456789abcdef" message = "www.biaodianfu.com" cipher_text = encrypt(message, key) print(cipher_text.hex().upper()) message = decrypt(cipher_text, key) print(message.decode("utf-8"))
非常好的宝藏文. 希望能继续深入浅出的谈谈所有密码学原理和应用!非常感谢!